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Reverse parking: how to prepare for the parking maneuver during the driving test

The route test of the driving test is very important for future drivers, as it simulates the routes they will take every day. Of all the maneuvers, reverse parking seems to create big problems for candidates, as its success depends on certain clear landmarks, but also on the distance from the other parked cars.

So if you're preparing for your driving test and need some last-minute parking tips, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will give you clear directions that can help you park your vehicle in a proper way.


  1. Reverse parking: what do you need to make sure before starting the maneuver?
  2. Reverse parking - steps and pointers for a car park like the book


Reverse parking: what do you need to make sure before starting the maneuver?

During the driving test route, the examiner may ask you to do one of the following parking manoeuvres: side-park or reverse on the side of the road or park the vehicle in a parking space (for example in a supermarket car park). In the case of the second maneuver, it will be done only with the help of the marshal, as it involves going backwards.

The way you can do this parking may depend on several factors, including: the type of parking (parking spaces perpendicular to the direction of travel or those placed diagonally), the situation of cars already parked, the existence or lack of markings on the asphalt, etc.

As with any car maneuver, the most important thing to do before setting off is to carefully scan your surroundings. This can be pedestrians, cyclists, traffic signs, trees and any element that might be nearby.

Remember to check your mirrors and blind spots before and during the maneuver. If there are cyclists or pedestrians in the immediate vicinity of your car, signal this to the examiner and wait for them to pass safely before proceeding.

Also, if you drive a larger car (such as an SUV or want to explore similar options using car dealerships), use your sense of space to determine if your car will fit in the space. parking identified. Avoid those free spaces that are framed by two improperly parked cars (for example, very close to the dividing line). If you have any of these doubts, it is recommended to look for another parking place.

At the same time, don't forget to signal your intention to stop/park with the corresponding light signals and keep them until the end of the procedure! Otherwise, you risk being disqualified.

Reverse parking: steps and pointers for a perfect parking lot


STEP 1. Approach the chosen/indicated parking space

In a parking lot, the same traffic rights will be preserved as on the road - you will be on the right side of the lane between the rows of parked cars. For a parking space on your right, signal right to indicate that you want to park in that space. Drive the car slowly past the empty parking spot, checking that cars on both sides are properly parked and that there are no obstacles around the parking spot. It then overtakes the car taken as a parking landmark at very low speed. Make sure you leave about 1 meter between the nose of the car you are overtaking and the side of your car.


STEP 2. Put the car in reverse

Place the gear shift in R (reverse) and turn on the hazard lights. Once you have checked your mirrors for vehicles coming from behind or to the side of you, you can start the rear-end maneuver. Keep a close eye on the right side of the parked vehicle using the passenger side mirror, but also the front corner of the car. It is important to always keep a suitable space between the bumper and the already parked vehicle.


STEP 3: Carefully reverse the car back into the parking space

First, turn the steering wheel fully to the right, and then very slowly back up until you can see the left headlight of the parked car over your shoulder. Then, turn the steering wheel back half a turn to the left to straighten the car's direction. Once you think you're lined up with the parking spot (or between both parked cars), turn the steering wheel and drive the car until there's at least 6 inches between it and the rear curb. Whenever you are not sure, check the markings on the ground with the help of the side mirrors, as well as the rear-view mirror to make sure that you have a good direction and that there is no risk of accidents.


Step 4: Make the necessary corrections

The examiner may let you make small corrections with the help of the steering wheel. They have the role of helping you position the vehicle more precisely in the center of the parking space.

It is also very important to take your time, ask the examiner for further guidance if you do not clearly understand the requirements and practice as many reverse parkings as possible - now you have all the information to succeed!

Photo source: freepik.com

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